• @[email protected]
      7411 months ago

      I’ve spent over 25 years with Linux. With multiple distros and a lot of that with Gentoo and Arch. At work I specify Ubuntu or Debian, for simplicity and stability. I always used to use the minimal Ubuntu, because it was tiny with no frills. For quite a few years I managed a fleet of Gentoo systems across multiple customers - with Puppet. Those have quietly gone away. I’ve dallied with SuSE (all varieties), Mandrake, Mandriva, RedHat, Slackware, Yggdrassil and more.

      Arch is surprisingly stable and being a rolling job there are no big jumps. When I replace one of our laptops, I simply clone the old one to it and crack on. I used to do the same with Gentoo - my Gentoo laptops went from an OpenRC job with dual Nokia N95 ppp connections around 2007 to through to around 2018 with systemd and decent wifi when I switched to Arch to allow the burns on my lap to heal. I still have a Gentoo VM running (amongst friends) on the esxi in my attic.

      It was installed in 2006 according to some of the kernel config files. I left it for way too long and had to use git to make Portage advance forwards in time and fix around a decade of neglect. It would have been too easy to wipe and start again. It took about a fortnight to sort out. At one point I even fixed an issue following a forum post I made myself years ago.

      Anyway, Arch is pretty stable.

      • Nix
        1911 months ago

        What does this mean lol it feels vaguely threatening towards debian

        • ratel
          4011 months ago

          So he can say his wife uses Arch (btw)

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          I run Debian on all of my Home Assistant boxes, apart from one where I am trying out HassOS. I also have a test Proxmox two node cluster at work with multiple SAN volumes. Proxmox is Debian based. Sadly, it isn’t very iSCSI friendly - you can’t do snapshots. I’m looking at possible VMware replacement options here.

          Am I threatening Debbie and Ian’s distro? I personally consider Ian to be a bit of a hero. He created Debian, and the world + dog has used it everywhere.


          Them Raspberry Pi thingies are certified (well bits are) for space. It used to be called Raspbian but the OS on a RPi is still Debian with knobs on.

    • oce 🐆
      2211 months ago

      Debian is sometimes frustratingly out of date for daily apps like the web browser. I’d rather recommend something with a bit more updates like Mint.

    • @[email protected]
      1211 months ago

      After many years of using multiple devices and even servers with Archlinux installed it never broke because of an update (spoiler: I use systemd-boot instead of grub). If a system is to be used by a less experienced user, just install linux-lts Kernel instead.

      Unstable does not mean it crashes/breaks often, it just means it does not guarantee to not bump to the newest upstream version and that it does not do backports. This can be a problem when using unmaintaned software that does not like using a recent python/php.

      This is also great because if you find a bug in a software you can report it to upstream directly. Debian maintainers only backport severe bugs, not every one of them. It can take over a year for new features to arrive - especially painful with applications like gimp, krita, blender, etc. You can use debian-unstable of course, which is close to upstream as well.

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        I setup a pacman hook to reinstall grub and rebuild the config file after every grub update. This is apparently how the grub team expect people to use it. They want each distro to setup their own install scripts or something.

        So far no issues from grub and I’ve had it set up that way for half a year.

        • z3bra
          1111 months ago

          “Ability to reboot without breaking a sweat”

        • SokathHisEyesOpen
          911 months ago

          I have never had Arch break during an update. I’ve never had it crash. I’ve never encountered an issue I couldn’t resolve, and for that matter I don’t really encounter issues. Usually the only problems are that I haven’t installed a service that would usually come standard with another OS, so I have to check the wiki, install, and configure something.

          • @[email protected]
            711 months ago

            I haven’t had Arch break during an update, but I always check the home page first, there are absolutely times my system would have broken during a blind update.

            Arch doesn’t support blind updates - it explicitly tells you to always check the home page before an update in case “out-of-the-ordinary” user intervention is required. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/System_maintenance

            Basically, don’t run arch unless you’re willing to be a Linux system admin.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              Similar, but a little more involved, to Debian testing or unstable. Install apt-listbugs and when you go to upgrade it’ll let you know what issues are floating around. You can choose to work around the issue, or wait a day or two for the wrinkles to be ironed out.

          • @[email protected]
            611 months ago

            Stable doesn’t mean that the OS doesn’t break, but that the way it functions doesn’t change.

          • @[email protected]
            411 months ago

            I see. I asked because “stable” means different things in different distros. In Debian it means that interfaces and functionality in one version doesn’t change. If I set up a script that interacts with the system in various ways, parsing output, using certain binaries in certain ways etc, I should be able to trust that it works the same year after year with upgrades within the same release. To some people this is important, to some people it isn’t.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      because Arch is more lightwheight than Debian, and also more stable than non-arch users think it is